Tuesday, June 29, 2010

more bumblebee pics

bumblebee hive at my house

The other weekend, I was working out in our compost and happened to unearth a bumblebee hive of some sort... it was a collection of pods that were the size of a pinkie fingertip...they had a honey-like substance inside (even though I have heard from a few people that they don't produce honey). Whatever the liquid is, it is sweet and clear like honey....yes we tasted it.... I have posted some picutres here of the cluster and have saved it to show Gerry... the bumblebees are still happily living in our compost....Kathy W

Friday, June 25, 2010

honey box pics

Putting on the honey boxes!

June 25th 2010- We went out today with Jerry and checked out the brooder boxes to see how they were doing and Jerry said they looked just fine! He said we were ready to put the honey boxes on- and right on schedule too! We saw the queen in box 1 and cleaned up a few frames. Jerry opened a couple of larvae pods and he found some mites which the bees promptly ate. Here are some pictures of our time there.....Kathy W

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How does a beehive make honey?

Anyone wondering how a hive works? check out this great link!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The apiaries are in!

Befothe hives even went in we got a little bit of exposure on CKPG news, you can watch that here. Once the interviews were over the bees went in. They arrived by truck and were calm but a bit confused, being taken from their previous home to UNBC.

From UNBC Apiaries installed

We leveled off some space and soon the bees were busy as ever.

From UNBC Apiaries installed

Once in place, we had a quick look inside and found a happy, healthy colony in each of the apiaries.

From UNBC Apiaries installed

When everything was ready we left the bees to get accustomed to their new home.

From UNBC Apiaries installed

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